Graduate Verification
You are on the graduate verification page for the International Certification Program in Cognitive Neuroscience and Personal Leadership for Career Guidance, offered by BINCA Global.
This tool is designed to ensure the authenticity of issued certificates and validate that professionals who have completed this program possess the knowledge and skills necessary to apply principles of cognitive neuroscience and personal leadership in their professional practice.
You have accessed this section by scanning the QR code included in a certificate issued by BINCA Global. This system allows you to verify the authenticity of the document and access detailed information about the training received.
On this page, you will find:
- The dates on which the training program took place.
- The teaching staff.
- The program content.
- The official list of certified professionals.
This system reflects BINCA Global’s commitment to transparency and educational quality, ensuring that our certificates uphold a standard of excellence and academic rigor.
If you have any additional questions, our support team is available to assist you. Thank you for trusting us.
Start Date: September 18, 2024
End Date: December 5, 2024
Total Hours: 50 hours of theoretical and practical instruction
Program Instructors: Dr. Pablo Román Lüscher, Lic. Annunziata Di Lecce, Dr. Matías Bertone
Content Delivered: Carefully designed to integrate cognitive neuroscience with personal leadership in professional guidance:
Masterclass Series “Cognitive Neuroscience and Self-Leadership”:
- Module 1: The Neurocognitive Process of Meaning-Making
- Module 2: Neurocognitive Processes Involved in Self-Responsibility
- Module 3: Cognitive Flexibility
- Module 4: Functionality and Patterns of Metacognition
- Module 5: Effective Communication
- Module 6: Emotions as a Determining Process in the Construction and Representation of the Self
Practical Workshop “Life Design Strategies: Foundations and Applications of Neurocognitive Coaching for Guidance”:
- Module 1: The Power of Awareness: Self-Reflection
- Module 2: The Hero’s Journey: Method and Game for Building Immersive and Personalized Roadmaps
- Module 3: The World Map
- Module 4: The Wellness Compass: How to Implement the Wheel of Life (Meyer)
- Module 5: Motivation and Passion: Nurturing and Balancing Inner Energy
- Module 6: From Vision to Realization: The Value and Practice of Prototyping
Listado de Profesionales Certificados
First Name | Last Name | CODICE FISCALE |
Marzia | Corinti | CRNMRZ90M57M082S |
Silvia | Bedetta | BDTSLV68A50H501G |
Cristina Maddalena | Bertone | BRTCST64H67I441O |
Anna | Cacopardo | CCPNNA73P64I531B |
Linda | Cadore | CDRLND78A42A471X |
Mariangela | Cardilli | CRDMNG88H67L109K |
Lucia | Cassese | CSSLCU69H48F104T |
Carla | Colageo | CLGCRL85T42G492Y |
Luca | Colautti | CLTLCU64C21F356U |
Paola | De Paolis | DPLPLA63S57L219F |
Maria Antonietta | Dessì | DSSMNT79B52B354Q |
Rocco | Iezzi | ZZIRCC69T07C632P |
Angela | La Spina | LSPNGL67D66G371E |
Oriana Angela Daniela | Leone | LNERNG78M60C351D |
Adriano | Lubrano | LBRDRN55P10F437Q |
Daniela | Mangini | MNGDNL69M66D969M |
Dominga | Meloni | MLNDNG72M49H501E |
Martina | Montrasio | MNTMTN70H55F704L |
Diletta | Mozzato | MZZDTT80S47D325X |
Maria Rosa | Navone | NVNMRS66M64C627H |
Ileana | Ogliari | GLRLNI73C66L719N |
Linda | Palombo | PLMLND76E59D612S |
Salvatore | Pappalardo | PPPSVT88D07C351D |
Luca | Pedrazzoli | PDRLCU80L28E507Y |
Maurita | Perfettibile | PRFMRT82B51E243O |
Annie | Pontrandolfo | PNTNNA85A58I330B |
Simona | Rapisarda | RPSSMN78B48C351Q |
Anna | Toffoletti | TFFNNA89A63D962M |
Elena | Viotti | VTTLNE72T55A859S |
Cinzia | Zanetti | ZNTCNZ74C68H037U |